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Electronics Section

The value of production and services of the electrical and telecommunications industries depend largely on electronic components.
Electronic components, modules and subsystems determine the purpose, functionality and innovation of products and services provided.

The use of these electronic components determines technological progress and the ability to follow market requirements. Knowledge of the latest electronic components, modules and subsystems as well as information about their availability is necessary from the design stage, through the production stage and ensuring efficient use, to the stage of their disposal.

The ELECTRICITY 2025 Trade Show meets this demand by organizing a special Electronics Section for the broadly understood electrical and telecommunications industry.

Designers, technologists, electronic system programmers, production engineers, and people involved in improving products, reducing production defects and improving production efficiency will find here not only inspiration for their activities but also specific suppliers of the necessary elements.

Thematic scope of the Section:


Companies interested in cooperation and offer details are welcome to contact:
Krzysztof Soboński: e-mail: , tel.: +48 606 640 210