Trade fair zones
Electricity Trade Show offers an additional demonstration form within Consumer Electronics Exhibition and special zones: Teletechnics, Lightning and Surge Protection Installations, Electromobility, RES, Automation, Electronics and Innovation and Inventions.
We have prepared energy storage exhibition and zones especially for our exhibitors so that they can feel comfortable. Check available fairs and register your participation!

Electronics Section
The ELECTRICITY 2025 Trade Show meets this demand by organizing a special Electronics Section for the broadly understood electrical and telecommunications industry.
Consumer Electronics Exhibition
Renewable Energy Zone
RES Zone – Renewable Energy Sources at the Electricity Trade Show
Light and Electrical Engineering for Local Governments
LIGHT and ELECTRICITY for Local Governments” at 20. International Trade Show ELECTRICITY 2023
The Zone of Innovations and Inventions
The aim of this project is the commercialization of inventions and the transfer of innovative technologies for the needs of various sectors of the economy – from industry to trasport and amedicine.
Electromobility Zone
Space for solutions for the electromobility industry
Telecommunication Zone
TELECOMMUNICATION ZONE is a joint initiative of representatives of all teletechnical and electrotechnical specialties.
Automation Zone
Automation Zone at ELECTRICITY
Lightning and Surge Protection Zone
A special, separate area at the fair